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Guest Blog: Running&Mental Illness

by lifeofamissfit
mental health and running

Mental illness is something that is rarely spoken about. Yet it’s something that impacts many people’s lives. There are different ways to deal with a mental illness. Some people take medication, some talk to people or use CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and some people do sport.

Out of the ones I have listed, I have used three of the four. I do sport to help me with my mental illness, specifically sprinting.

Running in particular can help with a mental illness in a few different ways. Any form of running can help with a mental illness. This can be from sprinting through to doing long distances such as a marathon, or even just going out for a run in your town or city. It can vary from person to person as to which helps them best.

My Story

But for me, sprinting helps me. I know when I’m not having a great few days, as soon as I get out onto the track and do a session, I feel better about myself. I can let it all out on the track and I know when I leave I feel better and can put it behind me. Some benefits of doing running with a mental illness includes decreased symptoms of depression, sharpens memory and helps protect the brain from ageing.

Since having a mental illness, I’ve come to terms with it. I’ve found ways that can help me day by day. It doesn’t always go the way I want to but I know that it has still helped me. Sport and music are my areas to go to when I am in the low moments without involving anyone. I knew I could pull through whenever I was low and never gave up on myself.

You just have to believe in yourself, which I do when I am not in the greatest of moods. Never be too hard on yourself in life. Even if you are currently going through a rough patch, it doesn’t mean it’ll last forever. Life is full of unexpected surprises. What doesn’t exist now doesn’t mean it’ll exist later on in life when you’ve battled many barriers. You just have to persist and know you will come out the other end stronger.

mental health

From Strength To Strength

If I never started running, I wouldn’t have become the person I am today. I’m glad that I have come this far and still improving myself. I’m glad that I’ve been through what I’ve been through. Running has helped me through so far and it will until I stop. This also includes my guide running, giving me new experiences and helping me with my anxiety when I visit a new place and a different competition.

For example, a couple of years ago I had a competition in Belgium for the first time for myself as well as a guide runner. My nerves from my anxiety were running high.  just had to keep calm and think PMA (aka Positive Mental Attitude), the guide running went well and I nearly got a PB (Personal Best) in my own race.

You should never give on yourself no matter how hard it gets in life. Always think PMA. You may surprise yourself at how far you’ve come by believing in yourself and conquering your fears and barriers.

Sam Crowter
Instagram: @sideburn_sprinter
Twitter: @sam_crowter